Customer Information

Buying water by water truck

Price for m³ of water (estimate 1.000 liters)
Buyer must have 8 drums to receive 1 m³ of water.

* Water for domestic consumption.
Price as per yuli 01, 2024 is NAf 42,99 per m³

* Water for industrial use (demi water) 
Price is Naf. 45.00 per m³

Customer must pay at least 2 days prior to the desired delivery date at the
Warehouse Administration of Aqualectra Nieuwe Haven.

From Monday to Friday
From 08:00 till 12:00 and from 13.00 till 16:00

The Aqualectra water truck will make the delivery within 2 working days 
between 07:30 and 16:00 at the requested address.

For more information call:
Mrs. Shanine Hart
Tel: 463-2535